
Everything related to Security, Vulnerabilities, Patches. etc

Get Report of Active Directory Locked Accounts and Machine they logged in from

Story:I got some clients  that have reported some of their users being locked out and not able to discover how…

2 years ago

Securing and Testing your Exchange Server with Pfsense HAProxy

- Using the CVE-2021-26855 PayloadAfter the recent vulnerabilities that hit Exchange Servers On-premises I found sometime to install KaliLinux and…

4 years ago

Exchange Server backdoor investigation tools

The Story After the disastrous exploit that was found in Microsoft Exchange Servers lots of corporations started immediately patching their…

4 years ago

Zammad throws error csrf token verification failed! Apache 2.4.41 Ubuntu 20.4

Symptoms: Right after a fresh installation of Zammad you implement Let's Encrypt and you are unable to login to your…

4 years ago

Secure Zammad with LetsEncrypt Certıfıcate on Ubuntu 20.4 Apache

The Storyafter installing Zammad ticketing system I tried to implement Let’sEncrypt certificate to secure the system but there was nothing…

4 years ago

Secure Your DNS Traffic with the outside world

DoH in Microsoft Windows OSUntil this moment Microsoft Windows OS doesn't support DNS over HTTPS, The feature will most likely…

4 years ago

Mimecast trust cert hacked in Microsoft supply chain

The and other cyber security news published articles claiming that A Mimecast-issued certificate used to authenticate some of the…

4 years ago

How to bypass NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID on Chrome

Locked out of accessing my firewall After I changed my Antivirus software I used to access a remote firewall publicly…

5 years ago

Onboarding Linux Client (DEEPIN) to Microsoft Azure Threat protection ATP using ubuntu repository

Installing Microsoft Azure Threat Protection (ATP) on Linux DevicesWhile playing with ATP on some windows devices, I was in the…

5 years ago

Microsoft Exchange 2010 SP3 Link HACKED

Update: Microsoft replied to me and fixed the link. see screenshot below WATCH Microsoft Exchange URL Hacked If you have…

5 years ago