Category Archives: Office 365

Everything about Microsoft Office 365 services and new trends.

Checking and Providing Full and SendAs delegate access on O365 Exchange Online

Delegate Permissions

This is a code that I have wrote recently to check if an account have Full and SendAs access on target mailboxes in CSV and give the option to choose whether to provide this access or not.

Checking First:

You’ll need to provide two things to get this code working, First the Source account that will need access to the mailboxes. in this case referred to as “ServiceAccount”.

CSV List of Mailbxoes:

You’ll need to provide list of Mailboxes of the users you’d like to provide access to, the List must be user’s Identity either UPN or SMTP would be fine.

The Service account’s Identity must be the UPN attribute.

If you would like to improve this code please do comment or get in touch directly


#Connect to Exchange
#Connect & Login to ExchangeOnline (MFA)

    Get-Clutter -Identity -ErrorAction Stop > $null

    $Users = import-csv 'C:\CSV\MailboxListIsHere.csv'
    $ServiceAccount = 'Your Account that will access other Mailboxes' #// Please change the SVC account before running the code

        foreach ($User in $users)
            $Mailbox = $User.Identity
            #Checking Full Access
            $Full = Get-MailboxPermission -Identity $Mailbox -User $ServiceAccount
            If ($Full.AccessRights -eq "FullAccess")
                Write-Host -f Green $($ServiceAccount) "Already has Full access to $Mailbox."}
                        $Answer1 = Read-Host "Do you want to assign $($ServiceAccount) Full access to $Mailbox (Yes or No)"
                        If ($Answer1 -eq "Yes")
                                    Add-MailboxPermission -Identity $Mailbox -User $ServiceAccount -AccessRights FullAccess
                                    Write-Host -f DarkGreen $($ServiceAccount) "Send-as access has been added to $Mailbox"
                            Catch{ ($Full.AccessRights -eq "FullAccess")}
                $SendAs = Get-RecipientPermission -Identity $Mailbox -Trustee $ServiceAccount -AccessRights SendAs
                if($SendAs.AccessRights -eq "SendAs") {
                    Write-Host -f Green $($ServiceAccount) "Already has SendAs access to $Mailbox."
                        $Answer2 = Read-Host "Do you want to assign $($ServiceAccount) Send-as access to $Mailbox (Yes or No)"
                        If ($Answer2 -eq "Yes")
                                    Add-RecipientPermission -Identity $Mailbox -AccessRights SendAs -Trustee $ServiceAccount
                                    Write-Host -f Green $($ServiceAccount) "has Send-as access on $Mailbox"
                            Catch{($SendAs.AccessRights -eq "Sendas")}}

550 relay not permitted distribution group contact

550 relay not permitted distribution group contact


When trying to add an external contact inside a Distribution group. A failure delivery mail with the following NDR is returned.

Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:

Your message couldn’t be delivered and there was no valid enhanced status code being issued by the remote mail system to determine the exact cause, status: ‘550 relay not permitted’.

The following organization rejected your message: mxserver


Diagnostic information for administrators:

Generating server: server

Remote Server returned '550 relay not permitted'

Original message headers:

Resent-From: <>
Received: from 
with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2,
 cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384_P521) id 15.1.2375.17; Wed, 15
 Dec 2021 11:53:30 -0500
Received: from ( by
 with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2,
 cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA_P384) id 15.1.2375.17 via Frontend
 Transport; Wed, 15 Dec 2021 11:53:30 -0500
Received: by with SMTP id a23-20020a9d4717000000b0056c15d6d0caso25610296otf.12
        for <>; Wed, 15 Dec 2021 08:53:01 -0800 (PST)
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20210112;
X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20210112;
X-Gm-Message-State: AOAM532yV7/oLUbulh/fnSKX/dvcwEJRrBUakKGRB2AAjJBFmHgQ1juk
X-Google-Smtp-Source: ABdhPJyCyLPmOHEOsFfrUD36h6e5hI9mquwq0Sr3Q+d/MecZbT33ghjh5xXztarpHRBZm944nU8Zrrg/gk50FxN5cxk=
X-Received: by 2002:a9d:7b51:: with SMTP id f17mr9431931oto.88.1639587180247;
 Wed, 15 Dec 2021 08:53:00 -0800 (PST)
MIME-Version: 1.0
References: <>
In-Reply-To: <>
From: External Sender <>
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2021 22:22:47 +0530
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Fwd: test email to Exchange DG
To: <>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="00000000000074fd9b05d33223fa"
X-Auto-Response-Suppress: DR, OOF, AutoReply


By default, the ReportToManagerEnabled parameter is set to False and the ReportToOriginatorEnabled parameter is set to True when a distribution group is created in Exchange Online. When the parameters are both set to False, the Return-Path field in the header of the message is <> (blank). This means that the remote messaging system will not send delivery reports to the user who sent the message to the distribution group.

Additionally, if spam filtering is enabled on the remote messaging system, the message is dropped, and delivery reports are suppressed. This occurs because some anti-spam devices might flag messages whose Return-Path field is blank and not let the messages be delivered.


Set-DistributionGroup -ReportToManagerEnabled $true -ReportToOriginatorEnabled $false -Identity


Testing Office 365 SMTP relay

In order to test Office 365 SMTP relay you will have to create a user with an Exchange online license. After the email is activated for this user you can test this user for relay with the following powershell.

First connect to Microsoft Online service with this user that you’ll be using for relaying.

$msolcred = Get-Credential

Next edit the following powershell with the user’s e-mail and the recipient’s too

Send-MailMessage -From -To -Subject “Test Email” -Body “Test SMTP Relay Service” -SmtpServer -Credential $msolcred -UseSsl -Port 587


This test is known as Client SMTP submission you can also use a different method for multiple devices where you can configure them all to point to a single server (IIS) in a method known as IIS for relay with Office 365 however, all the methods what involve office 365 (Only) for relay will require a user with Exchange online license assigned to it.


The use of this command is not recommended for security reasons in particular for not supporting the modern protocols. use it on your own risk and make sure the user assigned to this service has no privilege’s or not any Office 365 feature admin or power user.

Mimecast trust cert hacked in Microsoft supply chain


The and other cyber security news published articles claiming that A Mimecast-issued certificate used to authenticate some of the company’s products to Microsoft 365 Exchange Web Services has been “compromised by a sophisticated threat actor,” the company has announced.

Office 365 Products and Services Explained

Mimecast provides email security services that customers can apply to their Microsoft 365 accounts by establishing a connection to Mimecast’s servers. The certificate in question is used to verify and authenticate those connections made to Mimecast’s Sync and Recover (backups for mailbox folder structure, calendar content and contacts from Exchange On-Premises or Microsoft 365 mailboxes), Continuity Monitor (looks for disruptions in email traffic) and Internal Email Protect (IEP) (inspects internally generated emails for malicious links, attachments or for sensitive content).

A compromise means that cyberattackers could take over the connection, though which inbound and outbound mail flows, researchers said. It would be possible to intercept that traffic, or possibly to infiltrate customers’ Microsoft 365 Exchange Web Services and steal information.


3- Migrate Users from Skype for Business 2015 to Teams


Hybrid Integration

In my last post about Skype for Business / Office 365 Skype for Business Online/Teams migration article I discussed the steps of how to create a hybrid environment between Skype for Business on-premises and went through the troubleshooting of each issue I have been through. In this article I am going to discuss the migration of users from on-premises to the cloud through UI and PowerShell.

Migrating users

This article will assume that you are planning to migrate users from Skype for Business Frontend 2015 Server and that you already have a hybrid configuration in place. If so then you’re going to fulfill the following prerequisites:

To check the currently installed PowerShell run the following cmdlet



After you Download and install PowerShell 5.1 you might need to restart the server. In which case the PowerShell will show that it is updated to the required version.


After Installing the Skype Online Connector Module, We will be able to connect right after launching PowerShell

To do so type:

Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector


Connecting to Office 365 (Teams Online or Skype for Business Online)

The process of connecting to Office 365 Online PowerShell sounds easy but with MFA enforced in your environment you’ll have a nightmare mix of errors when you try so.

I have came through a lot of errors trying to force the use of PowerShell with MFA user authentication but eventually came to realize that Microsoft still does not support MFA for some cmdlets like Move-CsUser for instance.

So In short, to connect you’ll need to have a global or Teams admin user with MFA disabled to do so.

To create a new Skype Online Session enter:

– Make sure you start the regular PowerShell as admin and not Skype for Business Management Shell.

If you run these commands from SfB Management Shell you’ll get an error


So first, We will import the Skype Online connector Module

Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector


Then get the OverRidePowershell URI using the command:




Next, We will connect and authenticate to our tenant using the following cmdlet

$sfbsess = New-CsOnlineSession -Username -OverRidePowerShellUri –Verbose


Moving Users to Teams

To Move users to Office 365, You need to first provide credentials of the User with MFA disabled and then use the command Move-CsUser

An Example:

$Creds = Get-Credential


Moving User

Move-CsUser –Identity –target “” –hostedMigrationOverRideUri –ProxyPool “YourFEPool.Domain.local” –Credential $Creds


Let’s check the status of the migrated user, The hosting provider attribute is what we care about as it tells us where the user is homed at.



Checking the user from Teams Portal

Users seems to be licensed, online and can now login using the Microsoft Teams app.


Bulk Enable Users and assign Tel URI numbers to them

In case you have a big number of users that you want to enable them online

# Please provide your O365 admin credential

$creds = Get-Credential

-PSSession (New-CsOnlineSession $cred) -AllowClobber

$csv = Import-csv “C:\Users\Mohammed\users.csv”

ForEach ($user in $csv) {

Write-host now enabling $user.alias

Move-CsUser –Identity $user.alias –target “” –hostedMigrationOverRideUri –ProxyPool “YourFEPool.Domain.local” –Credential $creds


The CSV File will look like this



Moving User back to On-premises (From Office 365 to SfB 2015 )

On Frontend Server Launch PowerShell as Administrator then:

A- Import-Module MicrosoftTeams

B- Connect-MicrosoftTeams

After you connect you’ll get the following result:

Now that you’re connected to your tenant, Try to create a Skype for Business session with the following commands

C- $sfbsession = New-CsOnlineSession

D- Import-PsSession $Sfbsession

You should get the following result

Type the following command to move the user back to On-premises environment:

Now last and most important note is that since I am using Skype for Business 2015 Server, I have to use the parameter -UseOAuth which uses modern authentication.

Move-csuser -Identity -target PoolHostname.Domain.Local -UseOAuth -Verbose

This should get it to work finally


Errors you might face

Error 1:

When you have your on-premises user enabled for dialin you will probably get the following error if you try to migrate them to Skype for Business online or teams.

Move-Csuser :: HostedMisrat ion fault: Error=(511), Description=(The user could not be moved because he or she is enabled for dial-in conferencing on-premises, but has not been an assigned an Audio Conferencing license in Office 365. Users must be licensed before they can be moved to Teams or Skype for Business Online.)

If you are sure do want to use migrate this user without an Audio Conferencing license, specify the

“BypassAudioConferencingCheck” switch. ) At line: 1 char: 1


The Solution is to either provide an audio conferencing license  or as it is showing in the error itself as it says use the switch -BypassAudioConferencingCheck to ignore that.

Error 2:

When trying to import the session, I got the following error

the runspace state is not valid for this operation for PowerShell Online.


Solution: To overcome this problem you’ll need to use the overridePowershellUri Parameter in the New-CsOnlineSession in order to connect to Skype online powershell.

To get your tenant’s PowerShell URI use the cmdlet Get-CsOnlinePowerShellEndPoint

What you need to use is the AbsoluteUri


Error 3:

When you try to import the SkypeOnlineConnector module and then run the New-CsOnlineSession cmdlet from Skype for Business Management Shell you’ll get the following error after authenticating.

Sign in

Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you in.

AADSTS50011: The reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs configured for the application: ‘7716031e-6f8b-45a4-b82b-922b1af0fbb4’. More details: Reply address did not match because of case sensitivity.

Troubleshooting details

If you contact your administrator, send this info to them.
Copy info to clipboard  
Request Id:  f0f97265-4669-4e4f-bcf7-609469e92f00
Correlation Id:  829c8a2b-f697-416f-bfa6-4a794a229a13

Timestamp:  2021-01-10T23:00:10Z
Message:  AADSTS50011: The reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs configured for the application: ‘7716031e-6f8b-45a4-b82b-922b1af0fbb4’. More details: Reply address did not match because of case sensitivity.

Advanced diagnostics: Disable
If you plan on getting support for an issue, turn this on and try to reproduce the error. This will collect additional information that will help troubleshoot the issue.



Run the cmdlets from Windows PowerShell as admin not Skype for Business Management shell.

Error 4 

Get-CsOnlinePowerShellAccessInformation : Unable to get response from
At C:\Program Files\Common Files\Skype for Business Online\Modules\SkypeOnlineConnector\SkypeOnlineConnectorStartup.psm1:160 char:20
+ … pAuthInfo = Get-CsOnlinePowerShellAccessInformation -PowerShellEndpoi …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-CsOnlinePowerShellAccessInformation], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Exception,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.OnlineConnector.GetPowerShellAccessInformationCmdlet

Error 5

[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is “Y”): y
move-csuser : The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.
At line:1 char:1
+ move-csuser -identity -target D2-POOL01.clou …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (CN=user …domain,DC=net:OCSADUser) [Move-CsUser], WebException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MoveError,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.Cmdlets.MoveOcsUserCmdlet


1- Make sure you have the proper Powershell version.

2- Make sure you enable TLS1.2 as default, for a quick solution use this PowerShell script 

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;

3- Use MFA enabled account by following these steps to login and move user.

A- Import-Module MicrosoftTeams

B- Connect-MicrosoftTeams

After you connect you’ll get the following result:

Now that you’re connected to your tenant, Try to create a Skype for Business session with the following commands

C- $sfbsession = New-CsOnlineSession

D- Import-PsSession $Sfbsession

You should get the following result

Now last and most important note is that since I am using Skype for Business 2015 Server, I have to use the parameter -UseOAuth which uses modern authentication.

This should get it to work finally


error when Installing Nuget module for Microsoft Teams integration


I got a client requesting to integrate Skype for Business 2015 with Microsoft Teams. Skype for Business 2015 is installed on Windows Server 2012 R2 which has PowerShell 4.0

I already installed PowerShell 5.1 and restarted the server in question.

When I tried to install the Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module to integrate Skype for Business with Teams I got the following error:



PS C:\Users\Admin> Install-Module MicrosoftTeams

NuGet provider is required to continue
PowerShellGet requires NuGet provider version ‘’ or newer to interact with NuGet-based repositories. The NuGet
  provider must be available in ‘C:\Program Files\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies’ or
. You can also install the
NuGet provider by running ‘Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force’. Do you want
PowerShellGet to install and import the NuGet provider now?
[Y] Yes  [N] No  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is “Y”): y
WARNING: Unable to download from URI ‘′ to ”.
WARNING: Unable to download the list of available providers. Check your internet connection.
PackageManagement\Install-PackageProvider : No match was found for the specified search criteria for the provider
‘NuGet’. The package provider requires ‘PackageManagement’ and ‘Provider’ tags. Please check if the specified package
has the tags.
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerShellGet\\PSModule.psm1:7405 char:21
+ …     $null = PackageManagement\Install-PackageProvider -Name $script:N …
+   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (Microsoft.Power…PackageProvider:InstallPackageProvider) [Install-Pac
    kageProvider], Exception
     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NoMatchFoundForProvider,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.InstallPackagePro

PackageManagement\Import-PackageProvider : No match was found for the specified search criteria and provider name
‘NuGet’. Try ‘Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable’ to see if the provider exists on the system.
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerShellGet\\PSModule.psm1:7411 char:21
+ …     $null = PackageManagement\Import-PackageProvider -Name $script:Nu …
+   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (NuGet:String) [Import-PackageProvider], Exception
     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NoMatchFoundForCriteria,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.ImportPackageProv

More Details:

Although I have PowerShell 5.1 module installed but still it seems problems wont go away. It’s part of Microsoft’s main requirement to have Windows PowerShell 5.1 and to import the Microsoft Teams Module for an easy installation and integration with Teams as it leverages the Module MicrosoftTeams to make things easy.

When looking at the details of the error, it seems as if PowerShell is trying to connect to a particular link to download and install the NuGet Provider which is part of installing the MicrosoftTeams Module.

The error below can be noticed to be the cause.



After doing some digging it turns out that since April 2020 Microsoft has disabled the use of TLS Version 1.0 and 1.1 so people who are working on old Windows Server edition or any application servers that utilize these protocols will now have to force PowerShell or any other app to use the TLS 1.2 Version.

In order to fix this, You will need to run the following Script on your PowerShell as an Admin

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

See the announcement here:

After running this script, I was able to install NuGet and run the installation of MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module


Hope this helps

Exchange 2016: Find remaining Folders of delete or non existing databases

Exchange Corner


Let’s assume that you work for a company that has Exchange 2016 and has big amount of databases (50-100 DB).

You constantly delete databases to clear white space or for whatever reason but don’t usually keep on deleting folders or lost track of which database is deleted in your DB Folder.

Real Life Scenario

In the following PowerShell script I am going to demonstrate how to check which of the folders in my D drive (Database drive) has an existing Database and which do not have.

Databases Folder path



The below script gets all folders in the drive path D:\Databases to check if they exist or not.

# Get deleted database that still has remaining non deleted folders
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn
$databases = Get-ChildItem D:\Databases\*  -Directory | select Name

foreach ($database in $databases)
        $DB = $database.Name
        if ((Get-MailboxDatabase -Identity $db -ErrorAction Ignore ))
            write-host "Database $($db) exists on Exchange Server" -ForegroundColor Green
                Write-Host "Database $($db) doesn't exist on Exchange Server " -ForegroundColor Red

I did not add the part to delete the folder through the script as it is still a risky thing to automate and would rather do the deletion manually after double confirming it’s totally gone.

For more about Exchange Server related articles please visit Exchange section here

Hope this helps.

Onboarding Linux Client (DEEPIN) to Microsoft Azure Threat protection ATP using ubuntu repository

Installing Microsoft Azure Threat Protection (ATP) on Linux Devices

While playing with ATP on some windows devices, I was in the mood of trying the new Deepin 20 desktop flavor which is a famous Chinese Linux OS based system.

Microsoft doesn’t indicate anywhere that installation of ATP on a Linux client is possible but Linux server is mentioned in the official ATP installation documents.

How to Install?

After I installed the Deepin OS, I was really impressed by the new beautiful Linux design so I plan to use it and have it secure with ATP.



  1. Configure the Linux software repository for Ubuntu and Debian
  2. Application Installation
  3. Download the onboarding Package
  4. Client Config

1-Configure the Linux software repository for Ubuntu and Debian

You will need to install the required libraries, install Gpg, apt-transport-https and update repository metadata using the following commands one by one.

  • sudo apt-get install curl


  • sudo apt-get install libplist-utils



  • sudo mv ./microsoft.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-ubuntu.list
  • sudo apt-get install gpg




After successfully installing all the libraries, I will go ahead and install the application

2- Application Installation

From the Linux client Terminal using sudo power user run the following script

sudo apt-get install mdatp


Once finished, You can go back to the ATP portal and download the Linux Onboarding package on the linux server/client you want to onboard

3- Download the onboarding Package

Since I am doing a single deployment not bulk, then I will go to the Microsoft Defender Security Center’s setting page and download the Linux package from the device management section.


The steps for the onboarding is already mentioned on that page so after you download the script you’ll know exactly what to do next.

The file is 9kb python in size


Copy the file to your Linux Desktop


4- Client Config

From the terminal type in chmod a+x and hit enter

Note: python must be installed on this linux dervice.

Then type python /


This will run pretty quick and will assign your Linux server/client with your Organization ID.

To see the Organization ID type:

mdatp –health orgId


Few minutes later you’ll be able to see the installation completion and the status through this command

Check if WDATP is functioning as expected

mdatp –health healthy


Check if WDATP agent is enabled

mdatp –health realTimeProtectionEnabled


Let’s check on our ATP portal and see if the machine is showing there.

Note: It might take 5-15 mins to update the definitions of WDATP when onboarding.


Running a detection Test:

curl -o ~/Downloads/


In few seconds the file has disappeared


Checking for threats

mdatp –threat –list –pretty


Let’s see this on the ATP Portal



This is just a test malware not a real one therefore it wont harm your machine at all.

Hope this helps you with your deployments


Deepin 20 Beta version

ADFS and wAP trust breaks with 500 Internal Server error

Error code

Yesterday my colleague sent me a message informing me that ADFS is not working. When I tried to login to Office 365 Portal page with a federated domain’s user I got a 500 Internal Server Error.

When it occurs:

If you are using Office 365 with ADFS Integration in place, You might get this error when trying to authenticate your users to login to Office 365 or any of its services.


WAP Server

In this environment I am using WAP Proxy server behind ADFS and when installing this I configured a trust using a Public Certificate but for some reason this trust was broken.


Investigation and Solution:

After investigating the WAP proxy it seems it had couple of problems:

1- Could not resolve ADFS server name on WAP Server.

  • In my environment where we are using Sentinel, We have isolated the primary DC in the environment and due to this the WAP server could not reach to the DNS Server. I solved this by pointing the machine to the secondary DC and add the ADFS hostname to the host file.

2- The Web Application Proxy Service would not start.

  • The errors related to the service not starting in the event viewer were all pointing to a certificate thumbprint which didn’t even exist in the WAP’s personal store.

Event Viewer Errors

There were couple of errors related to the certificate and Service issue, Event ID 224, Event ID 12025, Event ID 7023 and Event ID 224.

The one which mostly got my attention was the 224:

The federation server proxy configuration could not be updated with the latest configuration on the federation service.

Retrieval of proxy config data from federation server using trust certificate with thumbprint failed with status code unauthorized. The remote server returned an error code 401.



From WAP server’s fire up PowerShell as an admin and list the certificate you have got on your Personal store and match the ThumbPrints of the certificate in the error to make sure it exists or not.

Even if the certificate exists you will still need to re-establish trust with ADFS to make sure WAP can connect to ADFS without an issue.

Dir Cert:\localmachine\my

This should show the certificates you have got on your store.


Now pick up the valid Public certificate which you want to use for the trust and use the below command to establish the trust

Install-WebApplicationProxy –CertificateThumbprint “Enter Certificate ThumbPrint here” –FederationServiceName “ADFS Public FQDN Here”


After few moments you should see that WAP services went back to normal and you can now login your users to Office 365 portal through ADFS.



Upgrading Exchange Online PowerShell to V2 Module

Managing Exchange Online

If you have Exchange Online and your users are MFA enabled then you most likely will be using Exchange Online’ s ECP (Exchange Control Panel or Admin Center) to connect to Exchange Online PowerShell through the Hybrid Windows since this is the only supported way with MFA.


Clicking on Configure would install the PowerShell Module of Exchange Online which looks like the below screenshot.


New PowerShell with MFA support

If you have launched Exchange Online PowerShell today then you most likely have noticed there’s a red line stating the possibility to try the new (Preview Version) of Exchange PowerShell V2 .

Microsoft has recently released a new version of Exchange Online PowerShell Module which supports MFA and can be run directly from your computer without the need to login to Exchange Online Admin Center and download any files from there.  Check details in this link

As stated in the article, the Module is just in preview so it has some known and maybe unknown bugs as well.

How to Install it?

The installation process is pretty straightforward, Launch Windows PowerShel as an Administrator (It’s required for the installation).

Run these 4 cmdlets

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Install-Module PowershellGet –Force
Update-Module PowershellGet
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement


You might get a warning that the Module you’re about to install is from an Untrusted Repository, Accept it by typing Y and hit enter

Type the following cmdlet to ensure that Exchange Online Management module is installed

Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement; Get-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement


Connecting to Exchange Online

To connect to Exchange Online, Run the following cmdlet along with the new parameter –EnableErrorReporting which gives the ability to record all the cmdlets that you have run along with errors generated as well.

Connect-ExchangeOnline -EnableErrorReporting -LogDirectoryPath e:\ExchOnlineLogs.txt -LogLevel All



After connecting, I am going to try and run two commands the Old Cmdlets and New Cmdlet and see the difference between them:

Get-CASMailbox -ResultSize 10
Get-EXOCasMailbox -ResultSize 10


The new Cmdlet has much more details, although it says that it runs faster but it took few seconds more than the old one to run (Probably first time).


After you run those two Cmdlets, There will be two files generated in the log directory which we have pointed the parameter to save files to.

The CSV files have details about the two cmdlets and the HTTP Method they are utilizing in order to connect along the Request and response latency.


This new version seems to be extremely useful esp in environments where such deep details are needed for troubleshooting issues.

Stay tuned for more
